"Education will open doors where none seem to exist.” - Mark Mathabane
Don’t pass up the opportunity to improve your horsemanship alongside some of the handiest horsemen & horsewomen out there by participating in a Heart of the Horse clinic!
2024 Heart of the Horse Clinics
Introducing To & Preparing Your Horse For Roping
Thursday, August 22nd from 9:00 am-12:30 pm with Jeff Taylor & Keely Durrell.
Going Bridleless in Under 3 Hours
Thursday, August 22nd from 12:30 - 4:00 pm with Elliot and Caitie Holtzman.
What we’ll work on in the clinic is general guiding and getting the horses more broken to the leg and seat using clear communication and less of the bridle as the direction. Elliot provides neck ropes for anyone who decides to go bridleless during the clinic!
Applied Horsemanship with The Johnsons
Friday, August 23rd from 9:00 - 12:30 with Isaac and Kit Johnson.
How to apply horsemanship to your discipline/goals. Learn to set you and your horse up for success for whatever direction you would like to go.
Limited to 8 spots per clinic
$200 / clinic must be paid in full by August 15
email nikiflundra@gmail.com to register / gain payment information
Stalls available for $40.00 per night